I need help!


I feel like I’m over feeding my baby! He’s a newborn born via c-section August 24th.. the first couple days I strictly breastfed until the 3rd day when I gave up trying to feed him early in the morning. While in the hospital and a few days after being home I would try and breastfeed him but he only latched on for about 5-10 min then wouldn’t latch back on afterwards so I would give him only half an ounce to an ounce of formula to top him off. Now these last couple days it’s like he’ll breastfeed for a solid 30-45 min and still cry and put his hands in his mouth like he’s still hungry and get even more upset when I try and give him his pacifier. I’ll get him to latch on for like another 20 min and he’ll STILL be hungry! Literally tonight I just breastfed him for about an hour and he was still hungry so I pumped 2 ounces of milk and he finished all of it! I’ve also been breastfeeding him during the day but bottle feeding him formula at night and this kid will literally drink 2-2 1/2 ounces every 2 hours throughout the night. I feel like that’s a lot for a newborn especially with how small their stomachs are.. but if I try and stop him from finishing a 2-2 1/2 ounce bottle he gets pissed and starts crying like I freakin starve him 🙄 sometimes I’ll feed him and he’ll be hungry again within the next hour.. like not even a full hour later!

I’m also not sure because the day after being home from the hospital I took him to see his doctor and his doctor told me to try and give him 2 ounces even though he knew I was breastfeeding also. I told my lactationist what he said and she said that was too much.

I need actual MOM help 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol am I feeding him too much? Should I cut back? He’ll be 2 weeks tomorrow, does that sound about right for a 2 week old??