And just like that...❤🌹

Jay • 2 girls❤ Nov. 25 2014🍁Sep. 15 2018🌹 Army Wife💍Aug. 04 2017

For a few days, I had been doing squats and jumping jacks and kegels and all sorts of things to get things going along. And the night of September 2nd, at 38 weeks 1 day, I had some lemongrass tea and started having Braxton Hicks. Hubby and I went to bed at midnight, had sex, and at 2am mild contractions started but I went to sleep thinking oh they'll just go away like they usually do. At 4:51 in the morning, I woke up with pressure and the contractions hadn't gone away. Since the contractions stayed, I did some more jumping jacks and squats and kegels and timed them. After about an hour and a half, I decided we needed to go in. Well, we got in and the contractions had kind of slowed down and I was only at a 3 and 60% and found out the baby was posterior. When we got home, we slept for about 5 hours, ate, and then I found that the contractions had gotten pretty far apart but were stronger with each one. Finally, after a few hours they got closer together and more painful, so we went back to the hospital. When we got there, I figured I probably was only dilated to a 4 or something and was not going to be able to stay. Well, my doctor was a on call doctor only and was hardly ever at the hospital, but he was there right when we walked in. I still wasn't convinced we'd be having a baby though. They came in to check to see if there was any change and when the nurse checked me, she goes "Oh, wow." And I was like "What?" She goes, "You're at a 7. And have a nice bulging bag of water. You're not going anywhere. You're having a baby." My husband walks out of the bathroom, and was like "Well?" So, I told him I was at a 7 and he's like "What does that mean?" The nurse goes "Means you're having a baby." Lol, he widened his eyes and was like "So, it's really happening?!" Lol. It was adorable. Anyways, the pain was only at a 6 or so but I knew they'd be horrible after my water broke, so I went ahead and got an epidural (best decision ever btw). I did pray like crazy that it's go well though, I was so terrified that it'd only work on one side and that I'd still feel everything. So, I sit back and relax and about an hour later I was at an 8 and when she lifted up my gown to check again, she goes "I think your water broke". So she checks and yep, my water broke. So, she turns me on my side and props up my leg with a peanut ball, and about 15 minutes later, I felt a lot of pressure and her heartbeat had gone off the screen, and my belly was kinda starting to look a little flat, and I called the nurse because I thought she was just coming out on her own! She rolls me on my back and checks and says "Wanna know why you're feeling so much pressure? Her head is right there, it's time to push." So they prop up my legs and get everything

ready and my husband is looking at me like I'm crazy because I'm so relaxed and just chill. He keeps asking me if I'm okay and I'm like I'm fine, seriously lol. I'm just chill. (Seriously that epidural is amazing). And I push for about 5 times through 2 contractions, for about 120 seconds, and just like that, they put my tiny angel on my chest. Hubby cut the cord and everything went so great! 6 pounds 8 ounces 19 inches long, born 9/3, 9:08pm❤ She is such a great and good baby. And I am so obsessed with her❤ No tearing, bleeding is already like a light period, no pain besides cramps. God blessed me with so much! This birth compared to my last one was so much better! I am absolutely​ infatuated with my sweet

girl. I love you baby girl❤