Too soon to try again?

My ex and I dated for 2.5 years, half high school, the rest in college. He broke it off because of the distance and just a lot of little things that got in the way; I was upset at first but after a while realized I needed this too. The time we had (it’s been 3 years since we broke up), I think really has helped us both develop into better people and it was the right decision. We tried being friends throughout the time we have been separated and got into petty arguments over stupid stuff, a lot of feelings went unaccounted for and kind of pushed aside I think. We reconnected kind of after threeish months of not having each other on social media or talking. I am coming back home this weekend for a long weekend from school (we are in our senior years of college at two different schools, but he goes to school in our hometown). We had a convo kind of about the breakup and how we both needed it for ourselves, and just basic catching up. I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about a relationship again with him in the future, but not right now as I am still into focusing on myself for a bit. I made it really clear that this whole breakup and break thing messed me up and I was really iffy about ever considering something with him again (he kind of said he wanted to take a break in college to find what he wanted and to just be able to focus on himself). He says now he is looking to settle down with someone again in a relationship. I want him to know i’m not opposed to revisiting something in the future, but don’t really know what to say or how to say it. I may ask if he wants to get a drink while i’m home to talk in person and see if we vibe. Any advice would be appreciated, this has been a long time coming.