im stuck and trapped need advice..

First of all im married been married for 6yrs. Have 2 kids..and im MUSLIM!! (i did CAPS cus my marriage was a arranged marriage i wasnt happy..) I tried and tried to make this relationship work how is this suppose to work if only one person puts in the effort..

Im in America hes from Pakistan so me being a American citizen i brought him here to america.. all these years i feared that if I got married back home they would use me to come to America.

So things were going good till we got to America he changed after i had my first baby.. Like a totally different person he didnt care to help with the baby he didnt care about me he didnt buy things when needed he controlled me. My grandma bought me mostly everything all the expensive things.Let me tell you when i got pregnant he cried he was happy ive never seen him cry so I knew he wasnt using me i finally felt a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. Things just got worse day by day i than fell pregnant again wasnt trying and this is were things turned upside down he hit me while pregnant i called the cops.My parents know.They said to work it out things happen in marriages my family and i arent close.

Anyways to this day whats going on is he DOESNT care about his kids or me he blames me for wanting kids and pushing him to having kids i never ever pushed him this was something we both wanted im not the type to force someone to do something they dont want. Im a home stay mom at the moment, at times not daily i will tell him to watch them for 10mins so i can shower or do something he gives me the biggest attitude and says he cant help me to do it alone. Bottom line is that he wants us to be over but no divorce to stay for kids.. its freakin 2018 im not gonna sit around and be miserable i told him you had 2 options to have some space think what u want to do and lets fix this or divorce me ..he said no i wont divorce i want a second marriage im sorry i dont approve i told him this before we got married if he cheats or wants a 2nd marriage he needs to divorce me. We arent talking he doesnt like to sit down and hurt and confused on what to do i dont wannt to waste time.. i would love this to work out but if he isnt wanting to take care of the kids play with them be in there life than i want to leave and get back to college what should i do helpp

Also we been sleeping separate for some time now...he hides his phone he holds his phone while sleeping...he never lets it go..we have separate bedrooms..we dont have sex. hes blocked me on social media .. im lost for words and cry to sleep daily..

It hurts when the kids want him and he pushes them to the side saying im tired like fckin pick them up kiss them hug them nope they annoy u ugh..

EDIT 2.. why am i still here with him is because i dont have friends or family to go to.. i dont have anywhere to go. That is why he keeps treating me like shit. :( i have noone to talk to.