Quitting! I need opinions and advice

*please be careful when using urban league programs for daycare i know we need it but these places are not good environment for children

I just started working at a daycare on 8/27 and i already want to give my two weeks they treat and talk to those kids like shit and even let them nap after theyve had an accident and not deal with until they are up these kids are coming in with boogers up to their eyes runny noses and coughing all day i feel so bad but i shouldnt be in that environment i definetly dont wanna be around when liscensing comes in that place is bending all the rules and they even say it on my first day i requested 9.7 off because i have a re scan for the anatomy and the place is 50 min away from me and if i take the bus it will take 4 hours and when i put in my request the manager said i can just clock out when i have my appointment and come back like no thats why im asking for the day off im already stressed about my baby and i have to spend my day on the bus and they STILL scheduled me so im just gonna tell them i wont be coming in. And at the meeting the manager was calling me out saying a dr appointment doesnt take all day and shes gonna call them and all that also my 1yo little sister goes there and now im terriefied of how they could be treating even the other toddlers are VIOLENT like ive never seen ive been in the stomach with toys atleast 4times a day and jts not just a tap one day a little girl had a toy guitar and ran it straight into my stomach i didnt see her coming and theres kids shitting in the walls they even had me watching a 4week ild in a room full of kids 1-4 coughing all over the baby and the whole 8hours he was there he slept a total of 1 hours which seems not normal for a newborn idk what to do i need out of that place but i need the next couple of checks but honestly its not worth my safety so what do you guys think am i just being a quitter i plan on taking my sister out of that place and reporting them as well i already started making a list of violations and i got to 19 any advice helps i havent cried my WHOLE pregnancy until all of this and i feel so bad putting my baby through that also i have to be on meds just to keep my vomit down theough out the day and im almost out this whole thing is over ruling my mind