Real symptoms? 2WW!!

I ovulated either the 29th or 30th, I’ve felt nasea, fatigue, my boobs hurt by my milk duds (never had a baby before just realized by googling) are these symptoms real or what? A lot of people say you can’t have real symptoms before a BFP. also that means I’m 6 or 7 dpo. Glow says I’m a week away from my period. When should I test? I know it’s best to wait, but I’m a tester. 😂 this is my first cycle actually trying!! Wish me luck. me And my boyfriend baby danced almost everyday of my fertile window 😍😂🤷🏼‍♀️ i forgot to mention, two nighrs ago i had my friend stop the car and I got out and threw up after eating Burger King. She had the same exact thing I did and was fine. I wasn’t sick or anything after that. Am i just really in tune with my body?? Idk. I know it’s too early to get sick, but I think it happened just because I feel different already. Really hoping I get my BFP this month, or I’m gonna think I’m crazy