Makes sense now☹️


The truth about my breakup is that my ex started liking this person that he just met from school. Instead of getting away in order to respect our relationship he kept doing things to get closer to her an spend time with her. He didn't tell me but I had a feeling and now it makes so much sense. He'd leave late after school from being with her, they would send each other videos, the day we broke up well earlier than that tells me he's gonna go see a movie with her. Spends the whole afternoon with her and then breaks up with me. Next day posts a happy video with her on his snap. Yesterday he took her to his job to climb and I was just there on mondayyyyyy! Like that's so embarrassing, I look stupid and All his coworkers know me my god. Like if nothing was going on then why would she even be tagging along wherever he would take her. It's so obv that they like each other and he's trying to get her now and when we broke up he just couldn't be direct. Lied to me and was with me the past few days just to see if he had a chance with that girl. Blamed me for him leaving cz of the problems when I promised to change cz it was all hard for me cz he has cheated with so many before. And goes around saying that it was my fault to people and doesn't tell them the truth. Unbelievable. He's obv trying to get with her and left me to be with her