I was the one with the 8 month old with no shots... Please read.


Wow. Im truly shocked by the mean nasty comments i got. I came here thinking other moms would be uplifting and not butcher me. And for the mean nasty comments about if i actually had PPD or if i was diagnosed. Yes. I see a doctor. Please think before you butcher a stranger. Telling me im going to kill my baby...... ? Wow. Im 20. Im a first time mom and when she was born i was SWARMED with people in my messages and in person that vaccines ruined their child. Before that i was strong willed about vaccinations and babies needed them. But i cant even begin to explain how bad i was swarmed with not doing it. And told their babies died a week later etc. So yes i was terrified. I would cry. I asked if anyone else went through it so i could know she would be ok. We do plan to get her, the vaccines. Our car has been in the shop for 4 months, no kidding. Today we get it back. I was curious for the fact of once she gets a first dose how long we wait and if they'll be still effective. When i finally stood up and voiced i wanted them for her i was told its too late they wont be effective now so i might as well not but ive researched and i cant find much. She is happy, healthy and WELL taken care of. I was in a dark place. Stop telling moms they didnt have PPD. I was diagnosed. I told my daughters dad they were better off without me and i loved him right before i was going to try and take my life. He busted through the door and stopped me. I got help the next day. So for you mean nasty trolls that told me i was killing my baby and lied about PPD. Please be kind. I hope you find more kindness in your life. Thank you.