Any other mammas?

Taylor • Mom of 2 👧👦 Wife 👰🤵 Currently Pregnant with baby #3 after Vasectomy Reversal ✂️✂️ 🤰

Are any of you lovely ladies also choosing a midwife? Homebirth? Waterbirth?

This is baby #3 for us and we having chosen an amazing midwife and a water birth at our birthing center. We are very excited for our experience. Our midwife makes me feel so at ease and in control.

I was 18 when we had our first and 19 with our second. Both were born at the hospital with an epidural. That was 5&6 years ago. I had no idea that we had other options and I would have been nervous about an out of hospital birth.

Just wondering if any of you other ladies have or plan on having a water birth, at home birth, unmedicated birth ect.

Truly such a great experience we have had this time around. So much one on one time with our midwife, her personal cell number, immediate responses to concerns. 💜 My husband and support system also love this path we have chosen.