Help me with MIL (long)

Kara • Married 🇨🇦 SAHM Girl 09/09/16 -x- Boy 08/29/19 Waiting to TTC #3

My mother is law has never been that nice to me or my family. She is so manipulative and just hurtful.

I've never stopped my MIL from seeing her grandchild. She can come over any time and we invite her to dinner about once a month. She doesn't ask to come over.

Last month my husband and I bailed her out because she had zero money (after going on vacation!) And couldn't buy food or pay for her car sticker. We've bailed her out a few times now. Today she told my husband that she took her car in to a dealer and they are going to give her 7000$ for it (paying the loan off) and sell her a used car with more kms on it for 14000.

She is deeply, deeply in debt and has no retirement saving because apparently she thinks we will take care of her.

Her reason for needing a new car! She needs to fit a car seat in there so we will let her take our child out because I never let her see her granddaughter ... to which I said NO FREAKING WAY. I've been in a car with her, she's a terrible driver and I don't feel comfortable with her having our child, at all. She babysat once for us and let my (18m old) outside, in the cold right by the busy street in front of our house, with no hat or mitts. She has a bad knee so she can't keep up with my baby and we have a freaking HUGE fenced yard!!!!

I want to tell her that she should not waste money because she will not be taking our child anywhere but my husband doesn't want to hurt her feelings. Plus my daughter's birthday is Sunday and apparently if we tell her now she won't come to the party.

I even said that if she wanted to go somewhere with her that I would drive all of us and we can go together!

I'm so stressed out and I'm pregnant with #2.

Stress is making me crazy!