Another Flop 😞

But I swear that I felt cramping that one day....

And the smell coffee made me nauseous....

I swear my sleep patterns were changing, and the dreams were too, there was spotting too but didn’t seem heavy enough for aunt flow, oh man this has to be it this time! So many symptoms correlating... or was it all just in my head? I made that trip to the store down to aisle with the pregnancy tests... nervous after carefully observing the options I grabbed a pack and went and stood in line where I felt like everyone was watching me even though I’m a full blown adult, it racked my nerves. Finally, I made it home and immediately was ready to test. I was certain there would be not one line but two this time! I waited to test this time to avoid early disappointment... if I was pregnant it would show by now.....unfortunately all I got was this single line. All by itself. For a moment I had “line eyes” thinking I was seeing it start to turn from one line to two! I held it up to the light to see.... I was mistaken. One single line. Disappointed, I was wrong. Another month full of “symptoms” and “certainty” has came and went. 8 months of trying. 8 months of disappointment. I’m trying so hard. Why is it so hard for me to become a mother yet so simple for others? Now we time everything, try again, wait and repeat however long until hopefully theres some success. 🤷🏻‍♀️😞