Birth Story


Finally getting time to write my birth story. My water broke about 8am but it was a trickle and I wasn't sure it was my water breaking so I went to Sunday school, church and out for lunch. On the way home I had more of the gush so I called my midwife who confirmed it was my water breaking. At this point I had no contractions so they wanted me to do 2 ounces of castor oil in orange juice. An hour later my contractions were 5 minutes or less apart. We head to the birthing center which is about an hour and a half away. We get pulled over by a state trooper who is new to the area and doesn't know where to escort us. At this point my contractions are about 1.5 to 2 minutes apart so he calls the ambulance. By the time the ambulance gets to us on the interstate my contractions were 45 seconds apart. They take me to the closest hospital and I am dilated to 8. At 10:04pm baby made his grand entrance. He had breathing problems so he got tranferred to another hospital NICU for 5 day. We are home now and all doing great!