I posted a video and I have to wait for it to be approved but I am not fucking okay, okay? This is fucking gross.

I think my cats have worms because my cat was on me and cuddling me and then I look down and this is on my arm so I freak the fuck out, fling my arm and it lands on my couch. It’s MOVING, ITS ALIVE.

Proof of it changing shapes

I literally can’t handle this and don’t even want to be in my own house right now. It’s a worm but what from? What kind of worm is it from my cats or something?? DO I HAVE WORMS? My cats seem fine but I’m gonna go get them dewormed anyways but just tell me what you think this is because I wanna fucking burn my house down.

Also yes I killed that shit after taking a photo.

Edit: y’all are saying it comes from fleas and I just treated them for fleas too and treated my entire house so they’re treated for fleas, I guess will be for worms too, soon. Because I can’t fucking handle any parasitic fucking worms anywhere near me MUCH LESS ON MY BODY