Baby’s name conundrum - taken by cousin

Ok, I’m asking for your opinion: I had 6 cousins, between both sides of my family, who were/are pregnant at the same time as me. All but one other had/are having boys, except for ONE of them. The ONE who had a girl (2 weeks ago) named his daughter Olivia, which is the name we had picked out for our daughter. We’ve had this name picked out for months and it was public knowledge. I don’t know if he stole it or if they just so happened to have decided on that name as well. Regardless, I do NOT like them having the same first name. One thing to note, is that they live in WA state (we live in TX) so it’s not like they’ll be in close contact much. But, it’s really bothering me and I’m considering changing her name, yes, just for this reason. Even though I believe Olivia fits her. What would you do? I’m due to deliver any day now. They have different middle and last names. Would you leave it as is (Olivia Rose), or would you change it to Charlotte Rose? Thanks for your input!!

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