This girl 😂 we will adopt her too


(Back story explaining the title. The majority of my siblings are adopted)

Idk who’s friends they are, I have 5 siblings at home and every time, no kidding every single time I go over there they are at my moms house. They go to my moms and cook dinner and just like pretend they live there lol.,They’re pretty much a part of the family now. One of them is a teenage girl and she knows more about what’s happening in my family than I do 😂

My mom is getting a divorce, and it’s not a sad thing. It’s been a long time coming, my mom is fine y’all. My siblings are fine, like we are ALL cool with this. So anyways she’s getting this divorce and my brother was like “0h god when he came back the other night mom slept on the couch and he kept asking her why she was sleeping on the couch and it was so awkward”

And at first I was like “what?” And this girl was like “oh, he’s CANCELED.” (Talking about step douche) and just the way she said it😂 like she spilled the tea. And then she turns to my mom “so when he moves out can I find all your family photos and tape our faces (her and the boy that’s always over too) over his? And then we can throw a newly single party for you.” And I was cracking up and asked my mom if she would adopt this girl because I like her.

I swear to god y’all, what goes on at my mothers house could be a reality tv show😂😂

He’s moving out but will be there for 30 days to find a new place to live. My mom is going as far as renting a freaking RV to PARK IN THE BACK YARD For her and the kids to just chill in until he’s gone. No they’re not in any danger, she just doesn’t fucking like him lol