Not sure what to do....

Kristina • mommy of 2💙+1👼+1 💙🌈 due 10/31 #mamabear #boymom

So about 2 hours ago, hubby and I were finishing up dinner. I started having Braxton hicks which is nothing new. I've been having them for months now. But when we got in the car to leave the Braxton hicks started to hurt pretty bad...the whole 45 minute drive home was awful!! The contractions would subside, but never fully go away. We're home now and I'm still in pain 😭 hubby doesn't think we should go in because he feels like they'll just send me home...I'm not sure what to do right now. I'm 32weeks2days with baby #3. I never went through anything like this with my first 2. Any advice would be greatly appreciated...