No Periods = No Babies


I’ve been on Depo Vera birth control shot (which stops my periods also) for over two years and I’ve been off of it for over two years now. When I stopped the shots, I never got my periods back. So I went to the OBGYN and turns out one of my hormones are too high which is causing me to not have periods. I am a little bit on the bigger girl side (202lbs) and losing weight should help this. I THINK the doctor called it PCOS? Which also makes it harder for me to lose weight. Twice, I have been put on medication to force my periods because the last natural period I had on my own was in 7th grade!! The first time the pill only made me bleed once for a few days. The second time I started having periods more often but not regular. Those periods stopped when my boyfriend started cumming inside of me. I took two pregnancy test and they were negative. So I went to the OBGYN again recently and the doctor put me on a birth control pill to help protect and shut down my ovaries until I’m ready to have children. However, with my life style being unorganized and unplanned, I could never remember to take it at the exact same time everyday so I kept forgetting. Then I started my period again, and I was excited! So I stopped taking the pills because I didn’t want them to effect my periods. So now I’m going to wait until my next period to see if it comes up again. If it does, I will continue to take my birth control. I’m honestly scared that I may never have kids, and that terrifies me to death, every since I was young, I always loved the idea of being a mother... With that in mind, and the fact that I’m only 18 and still in school, I’m wanting to have kids really soon because of that fear.. Yet I’m also trying to keep my head on right. Having kids just seems like loads of fun, and such a beautiful and magical moment... Anyway, if you are still reading, thank you. I hope my story is interesting for you.