My kitten has

these fleas are getting WAY out of hand now and I deadass don’t wanna stay in this fucking apartment anymore. I can’t lay in my bed anymore without seeing a got damn flea...I’m gonna have to give her away. I don’t have money to pay the vet and I’m certainly not waiting until October 1st to get her treated. ( that’s when my pet insurance is valid. I literally have no money. I’m 21 living paycheck by paycheck paying for rent and my car payments. I barely have money to go grocery shopping to put food in my stomach,

let alone pay out of pocket for a vet visit. ) I did some research and apparently, if her fleas get really bad, she can get this thing called bartonella disease and I can get the cat scratch disease if she scratches me, bites me or even licks an open wound...she scratched me plenty of times, and bit me real hard once. I’m not risking shit because believe it or not, the cat scratch disease can result in death. Sad thing is, I don’t wanna give her away but, I seriously don’t know what to do!! Any suggestions, please????

She has a flea collar on in this pic but, that didn’t do anything. I tried everything but, her fleas just keeps getting worse. My baby 😞💔