Desperate for sleep.

Selena • 22|FTM|Baby boy born 2/20/18|

My son is almost 7 months old. He’s never been a great sleeper, but he at least used to sleep 3-5 hour stretches. As of the past 2-3 months though, he only sleeps for 1-2 hours at a time all night, every night. I feel like I’ve tried every trick in the book. He sleeps in his crib (cosleeping is not an option, he sleeps even worse that way 😅), we use white noise, make sure he’s plenty warm but not too warm, he has a bed time routine including nursing, play time, bath, baby massage, jammies, and then being put to sleep. Giving him a bottle before bed with rice or anything of the sort isn’t an option either, he does not take a bottle. He eats 3 meals of food a day in addition to nursing as well, so I do not believe him being hungry is an issue. Getting him to sleep is not a problem, he goes down just fine, he will just not stay asleep for the life of him. I’ve even resorted to dabbling with the “cry it out” method because I am so desperate, but that does not work for him either. Between getting up and down with him throughout the night, then the time it takes me to get back to sleep, I’m only getting 2-4 hours per night. I’m just at a loss and I have no idea what to do anymore. I feel like I’ve tried everything. Any suggestions are welcome.