Tube scarred due to chlamydia

Molly 👼x7 🤰🌈 • After 8 years and 7 losses.. Finally pregnant with our rainbow baby boy!!!! Due May 10 2023 💙

I had my left tube removed due to my first ectopic in October 2017 and they noticed scar tissue. My 2nd ectopic happened in May of this year. My husband and I had chlamydia 4 years ago and we got it treated, but never had a follow-up. I found out 2 weeks ago that we still have it (had no symptoms). In my 3 years of seeing infertility doctors not Once did they mention getting tested. Chlamydia causes scarring and leads to ectopics. I have now been taking serrapeptase and I've been also using castor oil packs. Due to insurance I have to have an hsg by the end of the year. I wanted to wait longer but it needs to be done asap.. I will start trying again after the hsg because I heard you could be more fertile the following couple months. Also- If you've had more than one partner I strongly suggest getting tested for chlamydia!!!!!!!!! I'm so thankful I have my answer as to why, but I'm scared to start trying again.. Is there anything else that I should be doing????