Currently looking around...

Unknown • Mom and menstrual problems.. Sigh...

Hi there, I'm fourteen and have a pretty decent period. I change my regular tampon per three hours and have a high cervix. My hymen parishes whilst riding my bike when I was eight, so about three years before I got my period. Anyways I'm in a war with my mom about these products. I currently use tampons without her knowledge and want to switch to a cup for health reasons. She has refused to allow this to happen regardless of how much I tell her of UTIs and rashes I get with pads considering so, my bladder is also very sensitive. Cutting to the chase, I'm looking for a cup to import. (Friend offered to help me order)

I'm tied between the MeLuna Small and medium Some hating it and some loving it. I considered the diva cup as well. I also looked at the Lunette but I can't really buy a gift card over $50. Thanks!