Clotting six weeks after baby

Kali • Kali

Ladies I’m beginning to be a little worried. I was delivered 6 weeks and one day ago at 38 weeks and yesterday I started clotting I sat up after feeding my daughter and gushed and went to the bathroom and noticed a huge clot and couldn’t get off the toilet cuz the blood just kept coming. When I was able to get up my sister, my daughter and my mom and I went to Walmart and we weren’t even walking maybe ten minutes and I gushed again and there was another clot. It happened three times yesterday but lightened up. It was going all good today until about a hour ago I got up from feeding my daughter and gushed again I went to the bathroom and I had another clot not as big as yesterday but big. I got up and ten minutes later I was back in the bathroom for another clot. Idk what could be going on. Like after giving birth to my daughter I had ended up going back in for surgery for a d&e cause I was hemorrhaging from having a part of my placenta still in me. What could be happening my obgyn isn’t open till Monday and don’t know if I should go to the er