5 weeks 4 days, UTI, Cramping, Spotting


Hello, this is my first pregnancy and I’m really freaking out. I went to the ER this morning because I have woken up to spotting the last two mornings. It subsided fairly quickly, but I’ve had cramping since I found out I was pregnant, not to mention terrible anxiety. They diagnosed me with a UTI, and then did an ultrasound. The ultrasound kind of hurt, he pushed really hard on my abdomen (he was honestly kind of a jerk the entire time), but it only showed the sac implanted in my uterus, and he said it was empty. He said I was measuring at 5 weeks, so either it was too early or I was going to miscarry. I had blood work done and have to go back in two days to have it done again. I have four different male doctors in the time I was there, and none of them would give me any kind of reassurance or any straight answers, which I get to a point but a little empathy or explaining would have been nice. If anyone has any experience with this I would really appreciate it, I’m going crazy having to wait and see. Thanks so much.