Was I wrong ***UPDATE***

Friday me and my SO Had our baby shower . I don’t deal with my SO side of the the family cuz most of them are cool with his ex. (They were together 5 years) then he had his cousin dj the baby shower so I was extra pissed off about that cuz I told my SO I didn’t want him invited . Then someone told my SO ex the location and she showed up . With an envelope. I’m the envelope was messages between what looked like my SO and her which I later found out were fake messages. And pictures of my bf at her house with other guys . So apparently a moth ago my SO went to a party with his cousins I knew all about it what I didn’t know was they all went back to his ex house because one of the cousins was cool with her . She tried to make it seem like he went over there and they had sex that night . I did end up leaving the party early and my SO raced home worried bout me we argued and he told me it was true he was over there but they didn’t have sex he didn’t touch her and he didn’t want me to stress especially with the baby and he apologized . I believe him. The issue is after we argued bout that he said I was in the wrong for leaving unannounced and not talking to his family at the party . Was I wrong ? And should there be consequences for him not telling me he was at his ex house

First off I trust him. That’s why we were having this baby. I let him go to the party. I don’t think he did anything with her. The messages were fake it didn’t sound like my bf txting And if she planned to do this whole pop Nd expose thing she needed more proof where are the pics or her and him naked or even selfies of him. The pictures she showed were of him standing next to other people etc. I left because I could. I wanted to be alone . I told my SO i was headed home thru text and he could tell something was wrong . I left unannounced because I don’t talk to his people and most of my family couldn’t make it because we are out of state. Also I don’t talk to his people because I used to and they would bring her up in conversation too often n still hang with her and I was never really invited out cuz she was going . I never had an issue with it I just figured why should I try to be cool with them? An issue before was the same cousin that dj the party the same one who ran and told my SO ex that we were fist fighting . So there