Trouble or nothing?


So recently when Im away from home for university pracs (like work experience) sometimes other students i am with want to hang out which is great!

Therefore I inform my boyfriend of this as a FYI which i get a simple response of “k” or “ok”. I ensure him that we can still text.

No reply.

I message him “how are you? X”

No reply.

I wait until i get back to the place I am at to call him, inform him of what happened - we went to the beach, the other students had some drinks which was cool because I wasnt drinking then I came back.

Then suddenly he acts all annoyed, giving one worded replies and short answers. Eventually he hangs up on me.

Now he wont tell me why he is pissed off. I am clueless...

Help. This isnt the first time he has gotten mad over such simple things but he eventually gets over it but not after i apologise.