Raeila Kylie 7lbs 14oz !


Finally, after 40+5 weeks, I am BEYOND excited to post my unexpected birth story !

I have been out of work since about 36/37 weeks due to sevre Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I drive about 1.20 to work each way, so, my OB went ahead and pulled me out from work. While at home, I caught up with some household chores and we decided to get new windows installed prior to the baby's arrival.

On my due date, 27 August, I started having braxton Hicks and POOF, they disappeared the same night. I was scheduled for an induction on 39 August: it was canceled at 03:41 when L&D ran out of beds. On Friday, 31, my husband went to his nephews football game, I immediately started having more contractions but didn't think much of it being that this is our 4th baby, and I never progress past a 2 on my own. The pain started to get real about 21:00. The contractions had a good pattern of about every 6 minutes. My hospital follows the 4-1-1 rule, so I decided to wait it out. At 05:00 AM on 1 September, L&D asked me if I wanted to come in by 07:30, I told them I could be there earlier than that ! ALL night long, I was miserable having contractions every 6 minutes. I was destined to be awake and receive that phone call.

07:30 I was admitted, hooked up, and checked for dilation progress being that I was a 2 for 3 weeks. To my surprise I was a 4 ! I could not believe it ! I told the doctor to allow me to progress on my own before they administered pitocin. They gave me 2 rounds of antibiotics for GBS , popped my water after the first round, and around 03:30, the nurse came in and suggested I get the potocin. I asked for the epidural before hand so I can enjoy my successful 3rd VBAC. I was having what I thought were braxton hicks BUT they were actually just contractions. Our other 3 births were ALL induced so I waa expecting pitocin tyoe contractions. After she checked me, she told my husband and I that she couldn't reach my cervix, and needed another hand. The head nurse can in immediately and asked to check me being that thee are some dips in the baby's heart rate with the last few strong contractions. She went up so high, I LITERALLY cursed her out and moved her hand from out of me. I cried so badly ! She apologized and suggested her fingers were too short so she needed the doctor. My doctor came in and checked me to tell me I was a 5. I was so relieved ..... Until he kept talking... The baby's cord was trying to come out before her. He told me I HAD to have an emergency c section - NOW. The doctor and nurses unhooked me from everything and explained to my husband that this was a life or death moment and they had to act now. They told him he would be notified after the surgery and to remain calm. They whisked me away, and the same nurse that hurt me went back to my room and cried. She had my husband worried. She stated that she felt the cord but wanted to make sure which is why she got my doctor to confirm. She told him that even though he wasn't allowed in the room, she wanted his phone so she can take all of the photos and videos as possible for him.

The nurse came back up to the room with the camera roll FULL of photos as I was in recovery. My husband could do nothing but ask about me before she even finished getting Congratulations out of her mouth. She explained that I lost a lot of blood, but, both mom and baby were safe and easy to see/meet him.

At 15:47, 1 September, my husband and I welcomed our 4th child, our 4th daughter into this world. Raeila (Ray-lah) Kylie J. 7 pounds, 14 oz, 21 inches long. She is the longest and healthiest of our girls. She is so skinny, but, I am loving my little sweet pea like no other !