Postpartum bleeding- semi long post


I’m wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or has experienced it.

I had a repeat csection on 8/21. I bled very lightly starting day two and ended day 5 after my csection. I just thought it was because they cleaned me out really, really well because I had a csection.

On 9/4 I had to take my son to the hospital for lab work (he’s jaundice) and as I was walking from his lab work to his doctors office (in the hospital, 2 minute walk) I thought I peed my pants and it kept coming. So when I got to the doctor office I went to the bathroom to find out I was pouring blood. It soaked everything. This went on for 3 hours (the pouring) I was sent to the ER who said it was my body just preparing to go back to normal and was sent home. I bled for about 12 hours that day and it went to a complete stop again.

On 9/6 i was napping and felt a small gush and noticed I was semi bleeding again and I bled for about 5 hours. And again complete stop.

And again this morning, small amount of bleeding and back pain.

Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? With my first baby I was induced (failed induction- csection) and bled from the start of my induction until about 10 weeks later but it was constant of this stop and go crap I am dealing with.