Just wanted to tell someone about my day with my gf


Just feel like talking about an amazing day I had with my love yesterday. We are in our final year of school and am so close to done, so having time to see each other is hard. I just went over to her house and we hung out, made love (you don’t need to know the details haha). Then we ate frozen pizza and apple pie and played video games for hours.

There is one moment that really touched me which makes me both sad and happy. I struggle with lots of mental health issues (an getting treatment and am on meds tho) and have some scars on my stomach from self harm. She’s seen it all before and it wasn’t a big deal.

She was laying on my tummy and just running her fingers along, being silly and tickling. Then she started kissing my scars and stroking them. We talked about it for a bit then she lay back down on my chest and started to cry. I just held her.

She often struggles to show her emotions openly, and this is only the second time she has cried in front of me in 7 months. It was sad and I was upset that she was sad but I could also see how much she loved me.

I know she doesn’t see it but she has changed my life for the better.

If you had told me this time last year that I would be relatively stable, be able to go out and talk to people, have an amazing girlfriend and friends, and even be alive I wouldn’t have believed you. I still have my bad episodes but I know she is there for me and is slowly helping out of my comfort zone and changing my life for the better. I love her more than anyone.

So Yeah thank you for reading xx

(Sorry if there is grammar errors I’m dyslexic)