Milk not coming in


I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Tuesday (sept 4th) at 5:15 PM. I was induced at 40w +3d and my baby was born vaginally. I had a bit of trouble getting her to latch while at the hospital and it was made worse by my daughter having a lot of amniotic fluid in her belly that they ultimately had to go in with a the and drain. Nevertheless we started getting the hang of it and by our discharge Thursday with some help from a great lactation consultant I was optimistic. Unfortunately, it’s now early Monday morning and my milk STILL has not come in. Friday night i started supplementing with formula because my daughter’s diaper output went down. I also started pumping after each breastfeeding session, but it’s still colostrum and still just a teensy amount of it. Obviously I’m going to call my doctor first thing in the AM, but I was wondering if anyone had experienced their milk coming in late, and if so, how everything turned out in the end? I really really want to exclusivity breastfeed and I’m really concerned at this point. I’m hoping if it gets fixed my daughter will be able to return to the breast without too much difficulty, despite a few days of combined bottle feeding.