Do pregnancy pillows actually help?


I'm 24 weeks and I hardly sleep anymore since my back and shoulders have starting hurting so much through the night. Mostly, I lay on my back because my shoulders and shoulderblades hurt too much after a while of laying on my sides.

I want to lay on my side for the sake of the baby though. The thing is.. when I am on my sides, I have a pillow under my belly and a pillow between my knees. When I move to my back, I have a different pillow for under my lower back. So I'm basically tossing and turning and switching pillows all night.

My wife wants me to buy a pregnancy pillow but I am sceptical about how much it will help with the pain in my shoulders. To me, it seems like a big and expensive pillow that basically only helps to separate your legs.. which my pillow between my knees already does. I don't see how it gives any other support when I see them on Youtube and Google. Plus it will cut of cuddling opportunities.

Please tell me how a pregnancy pillow has helped you.