Faint line then nothing.

got a faint line last night .. Hoping today would be darker, I retested... But nothing . 😭 can I still be pregnant ? Only symptoms I have are headaches/dizzy & tiredness& backaches. It would also be extremely early . I ovulated early wasnt suppose to ovulate until the 12th But I ovulated on the 3rd or 4th (7 days after my period) so it would only be about 5 or 6 dpo. But I definitely got a faint last night. Could it have been wrong ? Should I wait and retest again in a few days? Should I go see my doctor ?

Edit : yall saying to early .. Look at the test what would u say this is then ? Because some people on here found out they were pregnant at 6dpo .. 🙍 and I definitely got a faint line last night