Anyone have a light period with negative hpt early in their pregnancy?

Hey guys! I had sex the day after ending my period last month (August 5). This month, I had a “period” that was on time, but was extremely light with no cramping, which is COMPLETELY unlike my typical periods. The day I stopped spotting on my so called period, I was extremely dizzy and lightheaded, and it’s lasted a week now. I didn’t cramp any on my period, but I’ve been cramping in my lower abdomen since. I’ve been nauseated all day, every day for over a week now, and I’ve had heartburn and zero appetite for a few days. I was even sent home from work on Thursday of last week for being nauseated to the point of dry heaving for 10 minutes solid. Took 2 digital hpt and both were negative. Haven’t had a blood test yet. Anyone have this and not be pregnant?