how to get my 4 month old to sleeeeeep!

my 4 month old EBF son never wants to sleep and idk what to do. napping is a joke he might take 2-3 30 min naps threw out the day even when he is visibly tired and cranky he still won't sleep any longer and the nights seem never ending he still wakes every 2-3 hours to nurse. he has be bounced to sleep for naps and bedtime. if I try to just lay him down to put himself to sleep he screams hysterically and I can't handle that I feel guilty so self soothing is not an option. idk what to do I'm exhausted. he has sort of a bedtime routine around 7 I change him into pjs we nurse I cut off play time turn the lights out but he still won't go to sleep till around 9-930. maybe I'm starting to early idk.... if anybody has any suggestions they are much appreciated! what is your LO bedtime routine? how can I get my baby to nap longer and sleep better at night?