Anyone have a good outcome

So had a loss in may 17 weeks than got pregnant the next cycle and as quickly as I saw a positive I miscarried. Than bleed for two weeks which is a lot for me usually only 4 days. So using that reference of bleeding my last period would have been July 6 so I go see the doctor in August thinking I was almost 8 weeks but the ultrasound says more like 5 no heartbeat. So I have my hcg done and it’s 20142 and than a week later 29432 and have a follow up ultrasound still no heatbeat or fetal pole but looks like progress from last week. I go in this week for another ultrasound the doctor said last week it’s not a viable pregnancy there should be a heartbeat. But the first ultrasound I was only measuring 5 weeks and the second had made progress I’ve read sometimes they don’t see anything till 7 weeks. He said if there’s nothing this week we need to do something. I have no bleeding or cramping just regular pregnancy symptoms. I’m so scared this could be another loss he told me to prepare but I’m praying it was just to early. Anyone take 3 ultrasounds to see the heartbeat