Toddler has Eczema


My 16 month old son has Eczema or what I think is Eczema. I breastfeed him and I have a couple bags of milk pumped, would it be ok to give him a breastmilk bath to help with it? I am using Cera Ve lotion because I have Eczema as well and my doctor recommended that for me. I am probably going to take him to see him Pedi I just wanted to try things at home first. I will insert pics so you ladies can tell me what you think.

It’s mainly in his creases and he has some dry spots on his belly near his belly button, on his back, and on the backs of his arms. It doesn’t look too bad and he isn’t really bothered by it. Just didn’t want to do nothing about it.

Sorry the pictures suck, it’s the best I can get. The rash is scaly and dry.