Bleeding again!

Claudia • TTC baby #1... 3 years and counting 💔

So for about close to a year I’ve had bleeding in between periods, the bleeding will last for about two days and then it’s gone a week later I’ll have my normal period, at first the bleeding was very small I thought I was “ovulation bleeding” something I found in google, about 5 months ago the bleeding become heavier, and I obviously freaked out, like I literally thought I was dying, I started to think the worse like we always do, my biggest fear was Cancer obviously!! Well I finally went to see a doctor the ram blood tests, and two ultrasounds and two pap’s and nothing came up! The doctor even said that it all looked really healthy, said that there was no signs of cancer Thank God, no cyst nothing that would indicate where the bleeding was coming from, all we know it happens at the exact time every month during what should be “my fértil window”., well after seeing the doctor and taking some vitamins last month I had no bleeding and I was so happy thinking the bleeding had stopped for good, well was I wrong, today the bleeding came back 💔 this is so frustrating because how am I ever going to get my baby like this!