Am I broken?

Abbs • Currently trusting for our first little bundle of joy🤰🏼

Okay lady’s I’m beginning to get desperate! This much will be about 8 months of ttc!

I went to my obgyn about 6 months ago and she said everything looked good other than a small cyst which she said was probably because I was on my period and there was a small chance of it being PCOS because my mother had it but she didn’t think so! I tired Metformin and I only took it about 3 or 4 cycles (out of 6) but I don’t know what we can be going wrong am I broken... ☹️ help a girl out what are some tips and tricks that helped you beautiful lady’s conceive?? I am suppose to ovulate on the 12th so like I said 1948474829 times I’m desperate 😭

Baby dust to all stay positive and let’s all help each other get the beautiful bundles of joy we have been trying so hard for!💕