
Y’all my bf confides in his ex and idk how I feel about that. They were on and off again for like 5 years but they have been completely apart now for 2 years. They also have a kid together so idk if I’m even aloud to be mad ya know? My bf and I have been together for 6 months but he still really hasn’t let me in. Anytime he has an issue he texts her and even when we go to drop/pick up his kid he wants to hang out at the ex’s house. Is that weird? I get so upset tho because I feel like I should be the one who helps him with a problem, not her? Every time I bring it up he just gets really mad and says “I’ve known her for years so it’s easy” and he just keeps telling me “you’ll get there” and I really feel like I’m nver going to get there. Idk I just need some advice on this