Grandpas Angel

Bree • At home mommy of a lil hoomin and 3 fur babies. 👨‍👩‍👧🤱🏻🐈🐈🐈

So my dad had died about two years ago just before Autumn was born. Our cat Tony was a Father’s Day present for my dad about two years before he passed away. He is the only thing left that I have from him.

The other day I was telling her that I think I finally understood why I ended up getting Tony and that he was here as her guardian angel from grandpa since he couldn’t be here with her.

At that exact moment, Tony reached up and patted his paw on her head. I definitely took that as a sign.

My father and I were extremely close (the closest out of 3 girls) and I have been struggling with my depression and anxiety so much since he passed but that little moment between all of us was so precious to me, I just had to share.

Here’s some photos after the moment. 🧡