Relationship 😅❤️😍

J.amekio🌸 • Kid at heart 🍉

I really need some humble, truthful, tough love, and any other type of advice for my serious question and situation 🤔 ok here it goes first off ..

QUESTION: ladies.. when you have a gut feeling about your relationship drifting apart with your significant other is fading away/ feeling like the spark is gone .. what do you do to save it and how?🤔😥

SITUATION: I have been known my boyfriend/best friend for 3 years but we recently started dating about five months now 😊❤️(yay!) but last week I was going through something (depression wise) and he thought I was upset with him but I wasn’t their was a lack of communication which caused us not to talk to each other until Thursday ( So the situation happened last week on Monday ; we stopped talking) we made up but in the middle of the “break” (when we weren’t talking) he seemed happier and he was ready to move on and that really hurt me... I was thinking how could you be done so quickly ?? And even though we made up and everything is fine I’m still kinda hurt by that and it feels like because of that situation we are very slowly fading away from each and idk I might just be over thinking but let me know how you guys feel about it and what I should do 🤔 bu ughh... idk honestly...😞