how do u even get a boyfriend lol

I was set up with this guy from one of his high school friends (who was in my sorority) and we talk everyday but have only hung out 3.5 times (.5 because it was only to hook up not hang out) in the course of.. wait for it... 7 months 🙃, granted I was home for 3 I’d those months

He only initiated hanging two of the times. I’m seeing him on Saturday but only because I was like “we should hang out whenever you’re free” and his response was that I should come to the tailgate his frat is hosting...

we get along really well and I’ve had a good time hanging out with him but this really isn’t going anywhere

So i don’t get it. How do you get a bf lol

I’ve never had one 🙃


It’s just frustrating because every week he will ask what my plans are for that night or that weekend. The first three weeks I cane back to school I was busy w/ recruitment. While the week I got back, he went on a family trip then this past weekend (when I was finally free) he went to a music festival. He sleeps early and wakes up super early while I sleep in and stay up late. At the beginning I assumed it was because our schedules are so different. And even now he will be busy with his frat recruitment events