4th Day of stimulation injection and start bleeding


This is my first time <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and finally I just started the injections 5 days ago. On my day 4 I was bleeding and it was not just spotting it was like a normal period. I called the nurse and she said it would go away in a few days. This is my 5th day and I went to check with the doctor. It ended up my body didn't react with the meds that good so now I have to change all my injections to be intramuscular with higher doses. The doctor hope that would help or I have to re-do the whole cycle again 😣 I hope not. Does anyone have the same issue as mine? I want to know if this intramuscular things will worth it cuz it was painful for me 😥