Endometriosis and TTC


*Warning! Long post!*

A few months ago I was admitted into the ER by ambulance. I was in so much pain.

Before leaving the ER, I got some news that I so did not wanna hear. Because of the complications, I was told that I had a very slight chance of getting pregnant and that as I got older, my chances of pregnancy could decrease. I was also offered a hysterectomy.

I have endometriosis and other fertility issues.

But I have kept my faith. I KNOW my God has a plan for us. I have never been so positive about anything ever in my life.

Today my doctor went in and burnt out endometriosis lesions. Today a new chapter began for my little family.

On the 26th I meet with my doctor again to discuss clomid and other fertility drugs!❤️

Keep us in your prayers!


I am so thankful for my Husband who is taking care of me while I’m having a hard time getting around. He is such an amazing husband and daddy. I’m spoiled! I couldn’t and wouldn’t want to go through this with anybody else. I am beyond blessed. ❤️