I May Become A Single Mother. Help?

I just turned 27 and have a 1 year old daughter. Right now I live with my mother who has MS and is bed ridden. A year and a half ago my dad passed away to colon cancer. When that happened my fiancé who’s 26 moved in with us. I got engaged to my fiancé when we found out I was pregnant with her, and we also planned her. My fiancé was going to propose soon anyways so he gave me the ring when we got a positive test. At this time he was living at his parents house, and then moved in after my dad passed. This was almost 2 years ago. Well fast forward to now, I wish I could take everything back besides my daughter. I’m no longer in love with my fiancé for many reasons. He hasn’t held down a stable job, for 2 years now. I got fired from my job a week after I found out I was pregnant, and quickly got another job working at a funeral home throughout my pregnancy. During this time he refused to work and I got up every weekend to go to work while he stayed asleep in bed. After our daughter was born, I was hoping the shock of our new baby would make him realize, he needs to be working! But.. it did not. After I had my baby I quit my job to be home with her because she was exclusively nursing. Since I left my job, my fiancé’s mom pays for our bills, and she’s the sweetest women in the world and I feel so guilty about it. Besides my fiancé refusing to work or help support our daughter, he sleeps in every day until 2pm ish, and then stays up all night watching movies or playing games on his phone. He also curses a lot and and says f this, f that, every other sentence. Which, when we first started dating, I could get over, but now it just irritates me because I never cuss and it makes me uncomforable. He’s also always wanting to be intimate with me multiples times a day, everyday, and when I tell him no, I’m not in the mood, he gets angry at me and tells me how horrible I am, and that he’s in a “sex-less marriage” and he could go and get it somewhere else. He’s also gained a lot of weight when I got pregnant. I gained about 30 pounds when I was pregnant and he gained about 40-50 pounds and hasn’t lost it. He used to be a super tiny guy and I loved how fit he was! Now he’s not active, gained a lot of weight, he has no hobbies, and no activists that he enjoys, he doesn’t work, so he has nothing about him that I’m attracted to anymore. Let alone, he refuses to support our daughter and is comfortable with his parents paying for everything. I also hold a lot of resentment because I had a such a high paying job, I bought myself a BMW, I had plenty of money before him, and after i lost my job and had my baby, I have no money.. I can’t get my nails done anymore, I can’t buy clothes anymore, I can’t just go to the store and get shampoo or conditioner even.. I have nothing. He made me change my lifestyle and brought my down with him. And when I tell him how upset I am, he gets angry at me and says if he did get a job, I’d be just dating him for his money. What?! How?!? So... I want to leave him and tell him he needs to move back with his parents, and when he gets a job and a car, we’ll talk. Until then I want nothing to do with him. The reason I’m still staying with him is because his mom pays my car every month. If he leaves idk if she’ll continue that. What will I do for income if he leaves?? I need help with how to make money. I don’t have any other family that could watch her., and I could get a babysitter if I went back to work, but she exclusively nurses still, and even then, how could I pay for the baby sitter? I’m lost as to what I need to do. Any help with money advice would be amazing, if I leave him. Thanks Mammas.