Feeling sad

So i have been trying for 5 years to get pregnant and stay pregnant. It has been so hard on me emotionally as all you women may understand the feeling.

Today i was informed today that 2 of my very young family members are pregant and it made me so sad. I told their mom how is it these kids are getting pregnant so fast and easy on baby 2 and 3 when i been trying for years and nothing.

Ladies i feel so bad for not being happy for them i just got so sad to hesr the news. I feel so selfish now.

I don't like to feel like im jealous or a hater but god knows how much i want this i am financially stable with a good job, i have my own house, and i know i can handle having another baby i just don't get how everyone that isnt ready for another baby on their 2,3,4 child 😭😭😭 sorry just had to vent. Im so emotional right now.

Currently in my tww 7dpo and now I'm back to feeling like giving up