I Shaved My Legs...

It’s been like over a week since we’ve been together. Maybe longer? Anyways. It’s been to stinking long especially trying to get pregnant.

My youngest was asleep. Oldest needed a nap. But oh my stars. God have mercy on this child’s soul. My oldest throw a Mach 10 level tantrum with me over going to the bathroom. He screamed at me. (That went over well. Not. Boy must’ve been outside of his mind. And exhausted after today’s field trip. And I was even planning a birthday surprise for him tonight. Nope.)

Despite the fact that I put the fear of the Almighty in my preschooler that he would not tell me no nor would he yell at me EVER. It was too late.

Little man was up.

My husband has been gone for 5 days. My kids have had ear infections since Labor Day.

I shaved my legs. I was hoping to get laid as my husband just got home. I was totally ready for anything except the interrupted nap time.


Are we sure we want one more? 😂😂