Step parenting is defeating me


I have a 3 year old I’m 6 months pregnant and we got custody of my step son 9 months ago....: and I am just trying so so so hard and I feel defeated my stepson isn’t a normal kid he is in gifted classes he is 10 years old he has issues with authority and woman and he doesn’t eat food he eats 3 things in total besides candy of course he treats my 3 year old like shit not like normal kid like he walks in from school my 3 year old runs up to him saying hi hello and he will just look up and never even make a face just act like he doesn’t exist he can’t follow any directions without shutting down like making faces and twitching his body and slobbering and he hurts his self. And no he isn’t special needs even tho sometimes I want to know if he does have something wrong I am ready to get him into counseling because nothing I do is helping and I am finding myself not liking him......he argues with anything I say even if it isn’t to him I comes out from the other room to make a point to get into my conversation and argue with me he doesn’t listen it’s hard to get him to shower to eat to drink to get dressed to even wear underwear. But yet he is so jealous of his dad and my 3 year old my 3 year old can’t even look at their dad without him being crazy. I am just getting so tired of my 3 year old getting treated this way when he loves him to death but he just refuses to love him back. He makes noises at him antagonizes him until my 3 year old will cry. I tried taking away his stuff I took his tablet and I told him until he thinks about what he did and apologizes to me he isn’t getting it. All he had to do was apologize and his tablet is his life and he went 4 days without it wouldn’t even act like he was gonna apologize. I just literally don’t even know what to do I feel like i don’t want to live in my own house. 😭😭😭 I don’t want to be hateful to him and I am trying to hard but it’s so hard.