Weird pregnancy symptoms and vent


Okay so I’m about 3 weeks 2 days based on lmp. 10 dpo but I’ve been getting this awful sour, almost acid taste in my mouth that will not go away! I don’t have heartburn so it’s not that....with my son I got a weird soapy taste and still have it occasionally even though he’s two soon. Anyone else experience this? It’s basically my only real symptom I can blame on pregnancy. Otherwise I just have cramps that feel like my period is coming. But I had the same thing the entire pregnancy with my son. So much stress I’m so impatient to get it confirmed with a dr and have my first ultrasound! A whole month from now! Hubby doesn’t want me to announce anything to his parents who we live with for at least another month. It’s killing me!!! I told the. 3 days after I found out with my son. I’m sooohappy and want to share the news!