Is my pill not right for me? Or could I be pregnant?

Alright I’m gonna try to be short and sweet here. I have been on Tri Linyah for 1.5 years, just recently in the past two months I will get pink or brown discharge 1-2 weeks before my withdrawl bleed. This past month my boyfriend and I had Sex 5 days before my withdrawl bleed was due. He did not finish in me, but I’m not sure of pre cum. Fast forward I got my withdrawl bleed that was medium/heavy for 3 days and brown for 2. I’ve been super anxious about being pregnant despite taking my pills correctly. NOW after the bleeding ended I’m having a lot of watery/ stretchy yellow/clear/white discharge. More than I’ve seen before. And I’m also getting headaches more often and these sharp stabbing/ burning pains in both breasts. They are random and not constant. Is it time for a new pill or am I pregnant? I’ll take a test but I wanted opinions!!