Sept baby!


Little man came early as predicted.

On Sunday I felt very crampy and uncomfortable all day. I ended up calling the on call doc service as I had back pain along with some sharp pains adding to the cramps. Nothing was timeable so they said to try and time if I could, that it may be labor, and to go in if it got to be 3-5 min apart. I went to bed thinking maybe it would go away. I had already tried drinking water, a bath, and relaxing all day. I woke up a few times to pee, still feeling like something was going on. Around 3 I woke up again and had more consistent waves of pain. Mostly in my back. So when hubby's alarm went off at 345 I said call into work! No way I was letting him drive two hours away to work I felt silly going into l&d thinking it's probably nothing.... Well, once I got there, they checked me out, 90% effaced 4 cm dilated. I got admitted. At around 8 am, I stood up to use the bathroom and felt something trickle down my leg, my water broke! A couple hours later they broke it the rest of the way to get things moving. I got an epidural around 230/3 when the contractions really picked up. Not long after i was 9cm. I got some pitocin to get me from 9 to 10, and keep contractions up. Baby boy was out at 620pm!

I honestly couldn't time my contractions and they were quite sporadic early on. I'm glad I listened to my gut and went in.

He was born at exactly 37 weeks. Weighing 6lbs 1oz and 18 3/4 inches! He's perfect in every way. We came home yesterday and have had a long but wonderful few days!

Good luck mommas! October is almost here. :)